Christian Kesten: Über die Lebensweise der Guam-Flughunde ist weiterhin nichts bekannt.

Still nothing is known about the Guam flying foxes’ way of life. (2017)
for 5 performers

This ensemble piece is the sister piece to a solo for voice and body that Christian Kesten originally composed for Antonia Baehr and her Abecedarium Bestiarium. In the piece, the three levels feet, hands/arms and voice are led independently of one another. The result is a polyphony, a free counterpoint as the levels interact. In the ensemble of five performers this polyphony is amplified and projected further into the space. Working with the panorama and the depth of the space, a field of acoustic sculptures is created. The Guam flying fox (Pteropus tokudae after the Japanese zoologist Mitoshi Tokuda) is an extinct species of bat from the fa-mily of flying foxes (Pteropodidae). It only existed on the island of Guam in the Western Pacific.

maulwerker performing music
Augenlieder Körperkompositionen, Ballhaus Ost, Berlin
premiere: 7.10.2017